Sunday 6 July 2014

[Review] Patchfetch: Zero-Cell Hot Slim Patch

I saw this on sale 2 months ago on  It was $15 so I thought what the heck why not. TBH at the time when I bought it, I wasn't quite sure what the patches did. It wasn't until after it arrived that I finally did some research.

Find out what it is after the jump!

What it is: 
Honestly, I'm still not 100% sure what it does but from what I can gather from the Patchfetch website this is a patch that when applied increases fat burning on that specific area and helps to minimize the appearance of "rugged" skin. I wasn't sure what they meant by rugged skin at first but after using the patches, I think they meant stretch marks. Each box comes with 5 packs and each pack contains 2 hydrogel patches.

Here's the blurb from the Patchfetch site:

And this is the text that I see the majority of ebay sellers use:

"Big Joe Patch Fetch Zero-Cell Hot Slim Patch is a weight loss aid that promises a slim and firm body contour using a patented ingredient developed by SEPPIC, a French cosmetic company. Adiposlim‰ and Adipoless‰, derived from quinoa and DLP, are 4x more efficient than regular caffeine in boosting metabolism and melting away fat."

How it works:
Apply to desired area 3 times a week for 2 hours each time for 3 weeks. Possible areas of use include: inner thighs, on the thighs below the bum, top of the thighs, stomach, love handles, and arms. I chose to use the patches on my inner thighs.

Price: $15USD per box. Unfortunately, roseroseshop, where I bought mine, is sold out or they are discontinued on her site. I looked around and these patches seem pretty elusive to any site other than ebay. I was  able to find one site though, called Eye Candy's, that does sell the patches but they are $23USD. I've never purchased anything from there so I don't know how good their customer service is.

Results of testing:
I followed the instructions and used the patch religiously on my inner thighs. I applied to patch to the same area each time. I know I applied it to the same area because I used this random freckle I have as a starting point lol. I also measured the circumference of both my thighs at the beginning and then again at the end of the trial just in case the patches made me lose some centimetres off my thighs.

There was no change in the circumference of my thighs (major sad face). I was honestly hoping that this would help take some centimetres off, but that's what I get for wishful thinking.

The one and only major difference though was what happened to my stretch marks. It was as if the stretch marks had shrunk and  were visibly minimized. The skin where the patch had been was also significantly smoother and softer to the touch.

What I like:
This is the first time trying a product of this kind and I've got to to say, it's...different. When applied, there is a burning/warm sensation (nothing overly unbearable) but when you take it off and touch the area the patch was on it's icy cold. It's an interesting sensation to say the least. Sort of refreshing in a weird way.

I like that the stickiness of the patches are perfect. It's not overly sticky to the point that it hurts to peel it off but the patches will stay on if you're moving around. I don't recommend walking around though if you have it on your inner thighs because the patches then to bunch up.

The texture of the patches on the applicable side are a nice gel texture whereas the other side of the patches are of a felt texture. When I bought these patches I was worried that there would be some awful Chinese medicine smell. I was pleasantly surprised to discover there was instead a faint floral smell.

I was also surprised that the product actually worked so well on my stretch marks. As I said before, there was a huge visible change to the visibility of the stretch marks on my inner thighs. Not only that though, my skin felt smoother and softer.

What I don't like: 
The English descriptions provided on this product are pretty vague. I searched all over the net and the company site and it always says the same thing (see the "what it is" section above).  Not very helpful nor would it entice me to buy the product had it not been a spur of the moment thing for me.

Using these patches is also very time consuming since the patches need to be applied on clean skin. Which means you need to shower, then apply these for 2 hours 3 times a week for 3 weeks straight. I tend to shower right before bed so I had ensure I showered early enough to allow for the 2 hour patch time. If not for the sake of science, I normally wouldn't bother with such a time consuming process.

And finally, this patch should come with a warning regarding the consequences of leaving the patch on for too long. There are disclaimers not to use the patches on sensitive skin and to expect some redness. I don't have sensitive skin so I wasn't particularly worried about redness. But when I left the patch on for too long, WOW, it was like hell fire to take off and I had redness the shape of the patch. It eventually went away but it would have been nice to know not to overdo the time constraint.

I would  only repurchase this product again if the price was less than $10. But since the cheapest I can find them are $20+ and the benefits that I got from using the patches leave me feeling somewhat indifferent, I'd probably take my chances with a different product.

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